Sunday, October 25, 2009

What a difference a year can make!

I am sitting here in my living room in the dark at 5:58 in the am reading old posts i wrote on a website from when I was pregnant with Jillian. All i can say is WOW! All of the unknowns of expecting a child. Not knowing if boy or girl, if he/she will grace us with their presence early or late. Will he/she be happy and healthy...

Now as JIllians first birthday has come and gone, watching Gods awesome and wonderful plans unfold over this past year, I see how silly I am to worry about such things. Through all of the worries...being off meds, Jillee crying everynight from 10-2, not getting any sleep, wondering if Benjaboo is getting enough attention, how are we affording 4 children, GE laying's all pretty trivial if you ask me. I know the Lord is in control.

A year later, Jillian is a happy smiling sleeping little girl who fits right in to our humble house hold. Ben is adjusting well to not being the baby. I am back on meds and for the most part feeling more like me, and I cannot tell you how many times we find money in the wash! lol. The Lord continues to bless us each and everyday. There really never is a real reason for us to worry when we know Jesus, but silly as we are, we do anyway. But, looking back on my posts and concerns, I realize he had it all under control even then, I just didn't realize it at the time!

Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?
Matthew 6:26-30

Monday, October 19, 2009

Our Run

Well, Saturday was our big event day. We ran at the Peninsula in an endurance run to raise money for Parkinson's. It was an absolute great day! I was surrounded by friends and family and enjoyed every minute of it. We all ran as much as we wanted. Matt ran 13 miles!! He rocks:o) I ended up with 6, but I only get credit for 5 cuz my last mi I ran after I turned my chip in.

Our fundraiser was a huge success! Had 11 team members, and so far have raised $1340 for Team Parkison! Not too shabby for our first attempt at a fundraiser:o)

A big thanks to everyone who donated to our cause. And a special big thanks to everyone who came down in the freezing cold and ran, took pics, and shared our day with us!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Humbling Experience

Yesterday, Oct 17,2009, A team of friends, family and I dressed in Team Parkinson t-shirts, went to the Peninsula at 8 am to run in an endurance run. The objective for us was to run in this event in an effort to raise money for Parkinson's - hoping for a cure! I started a group on facebook for this cause because 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with this dibilitating neurological disorder. I guess you could say my motives may have been alittle selfish, because although I know a cure will be an unbelievable blessing for many, I am one of those who will benefit from it.

After running 4 mi I took a small break, and as I was standing by the start/finish I noticed an elderly woman walking with a much younger gentleman. I noticed she has slight shaking, and I noticed her looking at my t-shirt, then up at me. A few minutes later, I ran another lap with my friend Mary. Then awhile after that my husband Matt, on his twelvth lap asked me to run his last one with him when he came back around. As I stood there waiting for him, the same elderly woman was coming to the finish. I watched her holding onto her walking partner, leaning forward as she struggled to get her footing due to the overwhelming tremors in her legs, all too familiar symptoms of Parkinson's. I heard the younger gentleman say to her "Well I guess three is your limit" As I watched her she was staring at me in my t-shirt, I smiled at her and told her she did a great job. She looked at me and said "Well, I haven't been out doing this in years"!

I was humbled by this woman. She put what we were doing there in perspective for me. She is at an age where she will probably not see a cure, but she is out there, not in a t-shirt trying to raise money for a cure, but she is out there showing her strength and fighting this disease every step of the way! I will always have the vision of this woman, a hero if you will, embedded in my memory and she will always be an ispiration, My Parkinson's Inspiration!