Hello! Thought I'd give a quick update. First...I found a home for my bear in the cradle diaper basket - YAY! I love being able to give things away, especially for babies! I love babies:o). Second...I caved in and checked out the new Cricut Imagine. I was avoiding finding out what it was all about because I knew I'd want one. But, I have to tell you, it is THE COOLEST thing I have ever seen! Now I really really want one. Check out this video!!
Isn't this GREAT!
Also, we are very close to our goal of becoming a 501c3 status for our nonprofit Running for Parkinson's. To keep updated on how that is doing, you can go to my running blog - just click on the Running with Parkinson's to the left. Haven't updated in a while, but things are happening, so I'll be posting soon.
As always...God is Good all the time!